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Humans of Dominion City: Cal

Humans of Dominion City: Cal

Cal manages our taproom. His is often the first face you'll see when you come through our door and if you've ever taken part in one of our weekly Sunday tours you've had the pleasure of spending time hearing from him about what we do at Dominion City. Even if he doesn't happen to be behind the bar when you arrive, Cal's spent a lot of time thinking about how to make your visit great and shaping your experience to ensure you'll want to return.

"I think for me one of the things that sets a taproom experience apart is giving people that sense of imagination."

Cal has a uniquely romantic view of what a brewery visit can be. Obviously it needs to start with great beer, but beyond that there are a million little things that determine how welcome you feel, how long you end up staying and how likely you are to come back again with friends.

Cal's passion for great beer is contagious. He came to us as a man in constant search of the hazer - soft, frequently opaque and always creamy, hop-juicy beers popularized in the northeast. Today, Cal's tastes run crispy; towards pilsners, kolsch, kellerbier and even dark lagers like schwarzbier. Whatever he's into, Cal has a way of firing people up around him and driving a discussion about great beer.  

Some of Cal's best memories with a beer include road trips he's taken with close friends throughout Vermont and New England exploring great beer and trying to gain an understanding of what makes for an exceptional taproom experience.

"Traveling for beer has everything you need for a great journey; scenery, great drinks, but most importantly friendship. Experiences like these are what made me want to work at a brewery."

When not at work or driving the backroads of the northeastern United States in search of great beer, Cal writes and records music in his home studio and enjoys posting up at one his favourite local New Edinburgh spots.