THE ONLY REASON UNDER THE SUN // Honduras Natural Anaerobic
Reminds us of: nectarine and strawberry parfait.
Releasing two Honduran anaerobic coffees this month gives us the chance to compare what happens when the method meets terroir.
Coffees from the El Paraiso region of Honduras are known for their soft body and sweet citrus acidity — and when farmers like Danilo Sanchez ferment the beans for 50 hours in an anaerobic environment, the hungry little microbes push the flavour profile into even greater vibrancy.
While the washed process brings a clean nutty sweetness to our other December release, this one gets additional jammy notes and creamy texture from the natural process, with more fruit left on the bean for those microbes to devour.
We hope you’ll devour this coffee too, and enjoy the contrast of its washed counterpart!