Detour Coffee - Hamasho Natural, Ethiopia

Detour Coffee - Hamasho Natural, Ethiopia

How do we feel about this coffee?
It feels jammy, fruity, and vibrant, like chewing on watermelon bubblegum, eating a blueberry strudel for breakfast, and a red velvet cupcake while rollerblading downhill.

Coffee Story
Ethiopia Hamasho is grown by 1500 smallholder producers at a staggering 2060 meters above sea level, high in the Bombe mountains. They deliver their cherries to be processed at Daye Bensa's Hamasho Washing Station. The coffees are incredibly dense because of the extremely high altitudes, with heavy concentration reflecting a slow maturation. Once freshly picked, the Natural Hamasho lot comprises well-selected, ripe cherries. The cherry is floated upon reception to remove any low-quality cherry, then dried on African beds for 16 to 21 days.

This being a natural coffee still holding moderate density, we decided to front-load heat in the Drying and Maillard phases and quickly whip away heat as we rolled into FC for a smooth, even decline of the roast's energy.

Origin Details
Region: Sidama Bensa, Ethiopia
Farm: Various
Variety: Local Landraces
Processing: Natural
Altitude: 2300 MASL
Producer: Various smallholders delivering to Daye Bensa
Washing Station: Hamasho

Brewing Recipes
Drip | 17g: 1g | 20g coffee | 340g water | 3 min ( V60)
Immersion | 15g: 1g
Espresso | 2.7g : 1g | 18g coffee | 48.6g beverage | 29 seconds
Peak Rest time: 5 to 40 days off roast