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Humans of Dominion City: Stephane

Humans of Dominion City: Stephane

Stephane joined the team in 2017 and we are so happy he did. It turns out that bookkeeping is a big part of running a successful small business and (at least for us) it ranked pretty far down the passion hierarchy. Getting a better handle on how we spend our money and ensuring we keep great records has provided a major sense of relief and helped us grow over the last year. 


Stephane studied political science at Concordia University in Montreal before completing the business administration program at Algonquin College. He brought experience, having supported accounting departments in businesses large and small, as well as a crown corporation. 
"I love being part of a small business because it's less of being a robot where your day to day is the same; you set your own pace and challenge yourself in different ways."
Stephane loves to travel and recently returned from a trip to California. He's an early bird, almost always the first in at the brewery in the morning. He enjoys football, hates when we don't keep receipts, enjoys tequila and has plans to learn Spanish.