The Artery Community Roasters - Superfly

The Artery Community Roasters - Superfly

TASTING NOTES: Blueberry Jam - Creamy - Funky
ROAST: Light
ALTITUDE: 1680 masl
PROCESS: Fully Washed. 

Brewing Tips
  • POUR OVER: We recommend grinding a touch finer for pour over for this roast, and try to limit your pours to 1-2 (post bloom) so you can really let the acids and brightness of this coffee come to life. But as always experiment, you may like 3-4 pours for more body and a bit less acid! 
  • FRENCH PRESS: We recommend the James Hoffman method for this roast: 16.67:1 ratio // medium grind (not too coarse) // add water, do not stir, brew for 4 minutes // after 4 mins break crust gently, scoop everything that floats // let sit for another 5-8 minutes // don't press all the way, only use it as a filter at the surface of the brew.